Cash on delivery is available now!
Can I return a watch after purchase?
It all depends on the factories rules, nowadays most factories do not allow you to return the watch even if you have not opened the watch or worn it. So in case you are not sure about your choice, check before buying whether you can return the watch or not. Or, use caash on delivery function..
How does the cash on delivery work?
We are an online store, we don't have an offline store. We ship watches from Guangzhou.
We ship elite quality the day after the order is left. Shipment of 1:1 quality takes 2-3 days from the time the order is left.
Delivery takes 1-2 days from the time of shipment ( not from the time of order ). Occasionally it can take up to 3 days if your address is very far away.
How long does it take to ship and deliver a watch in China?
Where are we located?
What is the difference between mechanisms in elite quality?
How is the 1:1 quality different from the original watch?
First of all, we take a non-refundable deposit of 50¥ if it is elite quality and 200¥ if it is premium or 1:1 quality. After the deposit is paid, we ship the watch to the address you provided within 2-3 days.
Upon receipt, you can open the package, check the watch and its quality. In case you are satisfied with the quality, you can pay the courier the remaining amount of the watch price (for example 800¥ ( watch price ) - 50¥ ( deposit ) = 750¥ ( remaining amount ) ).
In case you are not satisfied with the watch, you can return the watch to the courier and pay nothing, but the deposit will not be refunded.
The mechanisms differ in build quality and duration of operation.
Watches do not differ in appearance and it is not possible to determine whether it is an original watch or not just by looking at it.
But there are three main differences:
1. Mechanism - the mechanism inside the watch is different from the original mechanism and if you disassemble the watch, you can realize that it is not original.
2. Weight of the watch - the weight may differ from the original, but there are factories that make the weight close to the original.
3. Material - in case the original watch is made entirely of real gold, our copy will not be made of gold. If you need a watch made of real gold, we can do it for an additional fee.
Is the watch waterproof?
Most of the time all watches are not waterproof, you can not swim with it, but if you wash your hands or it rains, nothing will happen to the watch. Sometimes, if the design of the watch allows it, you can pay 30-50¥ extra to make it waterproof. Please check before buying if it is important to you that the watch is waterproof.
What are the differences between the qualities?
What qualities do we sell?
We have a total of 3 qualities: Elite / Premium / 1:1 ;
Elite quality - good quality, mainly prices range from 240¥ and goes up to 1400¥. Elite quality uses Chinese / Hong Kong / Japanese movements without name. This quality does not include brand box and has ordinary glass. Also, if the watch in the original has functions like chronograph, chronometer, tachymeter, etc. all these functions will not work in elite quality (the hands will work only for beauty, but it will not be possible to adjust them).

Premium quality - quality close to the best, prices range from 1400¥ to 2400¥. Used Chinese mechanisms that are close in quality to the best quality. This quality has a branded box and sapphire glass. In this quality, the functions of the watch are fully working or partially working. We will let you know if not all functions of the watch work

1:1 quality - the best quality, prices start from 2000 and can exceed 10000¥, prices depend on the complexity of the movement or customization of the watch (18k coating, real diamonds, etc.). The best Chinese copies of Swiss movements or real Swiss movement are used in this quality. In almost all models of this quality all functions work as in the original. This quality also has a branded box and sapphire glass.
How many years of warranty does the watch have?
Does the watch have a warranty?
Elite quality has a 3 year warranty;
Premium quality has a 4 year warranty;
1:1 quality has 5 years warranty;
Yes, for all watches we provide a warranty on the movement. That is, if the movement of the watch breaks without external intervention (e.g. you dropped the watch from a great height or hit it hard), we will repair it absolutely free of charge, covering delivery to our address.
Yes, we can, but it is not available for all countries. Prices range from 70¥ to 300¥. And the delivery time is from 5 to 15 business days. More accurate prices and delivery time can be provided in chat.
Can we send the watch overseas?
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